On Tuesday, Adobe announced the launch of Adobe Creative Suite 3. There are a whole bunch of “editions”. Now I have to figure out which one to get.
All of the premium editions include the three apps I absolutely need: Flash Professional, Photoshop Extended, and Illustrator. At first I was thinking of just getting the Web Premium Edition, which also includes Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Contribute and Acrobat, but I hand-code all my sites, and so far haven’t had a need for Acrobat. Fireworks might be useful? I’ve never really used it.
The Design Premium Edition is more print-oriented, it seems, as it includes InDesign. I don’t foresee any move to print for me at this point. But it’s the Production Premium Edition that could be more interesting, as it includes After Effects, Premiere Pro and Soundbooth. I currently don’t do any video, either, but it is something that I could see myself doing more of in the near future.
Of course I could spring for the Master Collection, which includes everything, but the price of that is significantly higher!
Decisions, decisions…