Another UITabBarController change from 2.x to 3.0

July 22nd, 2009 § Comments Off on Another UITabBarController change from 2.x to 3.0 § permalink

Or actually with UITabBarControllerDelegate, and specifically, with the method tabBarController:didSelectViewController:.

According to the docs, the differences:

OS called only when
tab changes?
called when changed
before OS 3.0 YES YES
OS 3.0 and later NO NO

If you are writing code that runs on both 2.x and 3.0 that needs to get tricky with tabs, these changes are a nuisance.

Even more infuriating is that the Apple documentation isn’t complete. The section ends with the sentence fragment “If you are implementing….” Yes? If I am implementing what? And what do I do if I am?

Yes, I’ve already reported documentation error. No response though. My guess is they’ll just remove the sentence fragment instead of expanding on it :(

[edited: I made a mistake in the table the first time I posted this. Should be fixed now.]

UITabBarController timing change from OS 2.X to 3.0

June 29th, 2009 § 1 comment § permalink

This is just a short note about a change I discovered between iPhone OS 2.x and 3.0. It’s not very interesting or exciting but I thought I’d record it in the off chance that it helps someone else.

When the user switches tabs on a UITabBarController in iPhone OS 2.x, the sequence of events is:

  1. UIView of new tab gets added as a subview
  2. UIView of old tab gets removed
  3. The delegate’s tabBarController:didSelectViewController: method is called

Run the same code on iPhone OS 3.0, however, and the sequence is this:

  1. UIView of new tab gets added as a subview
  2. The delegate’s tabBarController:didSelectViewController: method is called
  3. UIView of old tab gets removed (sometime later, I think it’s invoked via one of NSObject‘s performSelector: methods)

This is a inconsequential change for most, but it might make a difference if you are checking the UIViews’ superview variables in your tab bar controller delegate method.

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